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来源:日产精品一线二线三线芒果 | 更新:2025-01-11 20:23:15

1. 打开游戏目录下的 Baldur.ini 文件(用写字板即可)2. 找到 [Program Options]3. 插入一句:Debug Mode=14. 保存 Baldur.ini 文件5. 进入游戏,按 CRTL+SPACE 出现作弊码输入框输入下面的作弊码:CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(任意数字)修改你的经验值,上限为 2,950,000CLUAConsole:AddGold(任意数字)修改金钱CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()除去所有迷雾 在修改之前建议先将重要文档做个备份,然后用任何文本编辑器打开 Baldur.ini 文档,找到以下的参数行: [Program Options] 输入: Debug Mode=1 保存退出,以后在游戏中只要按下 Ctrl 和 空格键 便能开启控制台,这样你就可以输入以下的密码了: CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(amount) 给当前角色或者小组以指定的XP(注意上限是2950000) CLUAConsole:AddGold(amount) 得到金钱 CLUAConsole:CreateItem("物品代码",数量) 得到指定数量的物品(注意在数量处没有逗号) 下面是个得到指定数量卷轴的例子: CLUAConsole:CreateItem("scrl75",100) 物品清单: chan06Drizzt"s +4 Chainmail leat08镶钉皮革 +3:影子盔甲 plat05全板 +1 helm04护卫头盔 shld04中型盔甲 +1 shld06大型盔甲 +1 shld17小圆盾 +1 ring07防御戒指 +2 ring08魔法戒指 brac14护带 AC 4 clck02护身斗篷 +2 belt06巨人强度的腰带 boot01加速靴子 staf08武杖 +3 hamm08战锤 +2 sw1h09短剑 +2 sw1h30玫瑰刀(长剑 +3 +2Cha) sw1h39忍术 +1 sw2h09战刀(2H sword +4) bow18短弓 +2 bow17长弓 +2 slng03投石器 +3 ax1h03战斧 +2 halb03戟 +2 最高状态: 等建立一个角色时你开启了 debug mode=1 或者 cheats=1 并且按下 Ctrl、Shift和8 则可获得最高状态。


假如在这么做之前你的某些属性削减了一点,那么你要尽力提升到19(譬如精灵技巧)。博得之门2(Baldur"s Gate 2) 更新的秘技用记事本打开Baldur.ini文件,找到一个叫[Program Options]的标题,在这个标题下加上这么一行:Debug Mode=1,保存后退出.运行游戏,在游戏中按下Control+Space调出控制台.控制台欺骗秘技(必须准确地输入):修改队伍的XPCLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("填入需要的XP的数量").按回车激活.注意在游戏中XP最多为2,950,000在修改时请不要输入逗号.金钱CLUAConsole:AddGold("填入需要的金钱的数量").按回车激活.注意在游戏中金钱最多为2,950,000在修改时请不要输入逗号.注意:你可以将XP分配给某一个人或全体队员。当要修改某一个角色的XP时,点击一下你需要修改XP的角色,当其头像被选中时输入修改XP的秘技。如果要修改整个队伍的XP,点击一下屏幕右下角的小方盒子,这时你会看到所有队员的头像都被选中了,打开控制台输入代码.展示地图CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()得到道具CLUAConsole:CreateItem(此处填入道具的代号)召唤怪兽CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(此处填入怪兽的代号) 道具列表:护身符代号 道具amul01 Necklace of Missilesamul14 Amulet of Protection +1amul15 Shield Amuletamul16 Amulet of Metaspell Infulenceamul17 Greenstone Amuletamul19 Amulet of Magic Resistance 5%amul20 Kaligun"s Amulet of Magic Resistance 10%amul21 Amulet of Poweramul22 Periapt of Proof Against Poisonamul23 Periapt of Life Protectionamul24 Necklace of Form Stabilityamul25 Amulet of Spell Warding箭代号 道具arow01 Arrowarow02 Arrow +1arow03 Arrow of Slayingarow04 Acid Arrowsarow05 Arrows of Bitingarow07 Arrows of Dispellingarow08 Arrows of Firearow09 Arrows of Icearow10 Arrows of Piercingarow11 Arrows +2斧代号 道具ax1h01 Battle Axeax1h02 Battle Axe +1ax1h03 Battle Axe +2ax1h04 Throwing Axeax1h06 Throwing Axe +2ax1h08 Hangards Axe +2ax1h09 Rifthome Axe +3ax1h10 Azure Edgeax1h12 Battle Axe +3: Stonefireax1h13 Battle Axe +3: Frostreaver钝器代号 道具blun01 Maceblun02 Flailblun03 Flail +1blun06 Morning Starblun07 Morning Star +1blun05 Mace +1blun10 The Root of the Problemblun12 Mace of Disruption +1blun13 Flail +2blun14 Flail of the Ages +3blun15 Morning Star +2blun16 The Sleeper +2blun17 Wyvern"s Tail +2blun18 Skullcrusher +3blun19 Mauler"s Arm +2blun20 Ardutia"s Fall +1blun21 Mace +2blun22 Club +3: Blackbloodblun23 Bone Club +2, +3 vs Undeadblun24 Club +2: Gnasher重箭代号 道具bolt01 Boltbolt02 Bolt +1bolt03 Bolt of Lightingbolt04 Bolt of Bitingbolt05 Bolt of Ploymorphing靴子代号 道具boot01 Boots of Speedboot02 Boots of Stealthboot03 Boots of the Northboot04 Boots of the Avoidanceboot05 Boots of Groundingboot07 Boots of Elvenkindboot08 Boots of Phasingboot11 Boots of Etherealness弓代号 道具bow01 Composite Long Bowbow02 Composite Long Bow +1bow03 Long Bowbow04 Long Bow +1bow05 Short Bowbow06 Short Bow +1bow07 Long Bow of Marksmanshipbow09 Ripper +2bow10 Heartseeker +3bow11 Strong Arm +2bow12 Elven Court Bow +3bow13 Mana Bow +4bow14 Tuigan Bow +1bow15 Tansheron"s Bow +3bow16 Composite Long Bow +2bow17 Long Bow +2bow18 Short Bow +2bow19 Short Bow of Gesen护腕代号 道具brac01 Bracers of Defense AC 8brac02 Bracers of Defense AC 7brac03 Bracers of Defense AC 6brac04 Bracers of Archerybrac06 Gauntlets of Ogre Powerbrac07 Gauntlets of Dexteritybrac09 Gauntlets of Weapons Skillbrac10 Gauntlets of Weapon Espertisebrac11 Bracers of Bindingbrac13 Bracers of Defense AC 5brac14 Bracers of Defense AC 4brac15 Bracers of Defense AC 3brac16 Bracers of Blinding Strikebrac17 Gloves of Pick Pocketingbrac18 Gloves of Missile Snaringbrac19 Gauntlets of Crushingbrac20 Gloves of Healing子弹代号 道具bull01 Bulletbull02 Bullet +1bull03 Bullet +2bull04 Sunstone Bullet +1bull06 Bolt +2锁子甲代号 道具chan01 Chain Mailchan02 Chain Mail +1chan03 Chain Mail +2 Mail of the Deadchan04 Splint Mailchan05 Splint Mail +1chan06 Chain Mail +4: Drizzt"s Mailchan08 Chain Mail +2chan09 Chain Mail +3: Darkmailchan10 Chain Mail +4: Jester"s Chainschan11 Chain Mail +5: Crimson Chainchan12 Elven Chain Mailchan13 Elven Chain +1chan14 Elven Mail +2: Sylvan Mailchan15 Chain Mail +3: Melodic Chainchan16 Chain Mail +4 Bladesinger Chainchan17 Splint Mail +2: Ashen Scaleschan18 Splint Mail +3: Armor of Faith斗篷代号 道具clck01 Cloak of Protection +1clck02 Cloak of Protection +2clck03 Cloak of Displacementclck04 Cloak of the Wolfclck06 Cloak of NonDetectionclck09 Mage Robe of Cold Resistanceclck10 Mage Robe of Fire Resistanceclck11 Mage Robe of Electric Resistanceclck12 Knave"s Robeclck13 Traveller"s Robeclck14 Adventurer"s Robeclck15 Robe of the Good Archmagiclck16 Robe of the Neutral Archmagiclck17 Robe of the Evil Archmagiclck20 Cloak of The Shieldclck23 Cloak of Elvenkindclck24 Cloak of Reflectionclck25 Cloak of Starsclck26 Cloak of Mirrorsclck27 Cloak of Sewersclck29 Robe of the Apprenti十字弓代号 道具xbow01 Heavy Crossbowxbow02 Heavy Crossbow +1xbow03 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +5xbow04 Light Crossbowxbow05 Light Crossbow +1xbow06 Light Crossbow of Speedxbow07 Heavy Crossbow +2xbow08 Giant Hair Crossbow +3xbow09 Light Crossbow +2xbow10 Necaradan"s Crossbow +3xbow13 Crossbow of Afflictionxbow14 Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1匕首代号 道具dagg01 Daggerdagg02 Dagger +1dagg03 Dagger +2dagg05 Throwing Daggerdagg12 Fire Tooth +3dagg13 Pixie Prick +3dagg14 Bone Blade +4dagg16 Poison Throwing Daggerdagg19 Dagger of...dagg17 Stiletto of Demarchess +2标枪代号 道具dart01 Dartdart02 Dart +1dart03 Dart of Stunningdart04 Dart of Woundingdart05 Asp"s Nest腰带代号 道具belt02 Golden Girdlebelt03 Girdle of Bluntnessbelt04 Girdle of Piercingbelt05 Girdle of Genderbelt06 Girdle of Hill Giant Strengthbelt07 Girdle of Stone Giant Strengthbelt08 Girdle of Frost Giant Strengthbelt09 Girdle of Fortitudebelt10 Belt of Inertial Barrier戟代号 道具halb01 Halberdhalb02 Halberd +1halb03 Halberd +2halb04 Dragon Bane +3halb05 Dragon"s Breath +4halb06 Blackmist +4halb08 Halberd +2 Darkbladehalb09 Halberd +4: Wave头盔代号 道具helm03 Helm of Gloryhelm04 Helm of Defensehelm05 Helm of Infravisionhelm06 Helm of Charm Protectionhelm07 Helm of Balduranhelm16 Helm of Brilliancehelm17 Skull of Deathhelm21 Dragon Helm皮甲代号 道具leat01 Leather Armorleat02 Leather Armor +1leat03 Leather Armor +2: Protector of the Secondleat04 Studded Leather Armorleat05 Studded Leather Armor +1leat06 Studded Leather Armor +2: Missile Attractionleat07 Studded Leather Armor +2: Telbar"s Armorleat08 Studded Leather +3: Shadow Armorleat09 Leather +3: Karajah"s Armorleat10 Hide Armorleat11 Leather Armor +2leat12 Leather Armor +3leat13 Leather +4: Skin of the Ghoulleat14 Leather +5: The Night"s Giftleat15 Studded Leather +2leat16 Studded Leather +3: Orc Leatherleat17 Studded Leather +4: Armor of the Deep Nightleat18 Armor of the Viper +5leat19 Black Dragon Scaleleat20 Leather +3: Aeger"s Hideleat21 Human Flesh +5杂货代号 道具bag02 Gem Bagbag03 Scroll Casebag04 Bag of Holdingmisc3p Glasses of IDmisc3c Efreeti Bottlemisc3d Golden Lion Figurinemisc3i Silver Horn of Valhallamisc3l Horn of Silencemisc3m Harp of Discordmisc7t Moon Dog Figurinemisc3e Black Spider Figurinemisc3h Horn of Blasting单手剑代号 道具sw1h01 Bastard Swordsw1h02 Bastard Sword +1sw1h03 Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs Shapeshifterssw1h04 Long Swordsw1h05 Long Sword +1sw1h06 Long Sword +2 Famir"s Bladesw1h07 Short Swordsw1h08 Short Sword +1sw1h09 Short Sword +2sw1h10 Short Sword of Backstabbingsw1h15 Scimitar +3: Frostbandsw1h16 Scimitar +5: Defendersw1h30 Scimitarsw1h32 Scimitar +1sw1h33 Rashad"s Talonsw1h34 Flame Tonguesw1h35 Kundane +2sw1h36 Ilbratha +1sw1h37 Arbane"s Sword +2sw1h38 Cutthroat +4sw1h30 Belm +2sw1h31 Daystarsw1h32 DragonSlayersw1h33 Ras +2sw1h34 Albruin +1sw1h36 Namarra +2sw1h37 Taragarth +2sw1h38 Jhor the Bleeder +2sw1h39 Blade of Searing +2sw1h30 Blade of Roses +3sw1h32 Bastard Sword +2sw1h33 Katanasw1h34 Katana +1sw1h35 Malakar +2sw1h36 Wakizashisw1h37 Wakizashi +1sw1h38 NinjaTosw1h39 NinjaTo +1sw1h50 Scimitar +1 Shazzellimsw1h51 Celestial Furysw1h53 Swoard of Flame +1 sw1h54 The Equalizer金属盔甲代号 道具plat01 Plate Mailplat02 Plate Mail +1plat04 Full Plate Mailplat05 Full Plate Mail +1plat06 Ankheg Plate Mail plat11 Plate Mail +2: Delver"s Plateplat12 Plate Mail +2: Doomplateplat13 Plate Mail +4 Gorgon Plateplat15 Full Plate +2: Plate of the Legionplat16 Full Plate +3: Armor of the Heartplat17 Plate Mail +5: T"rahcie"s Tainted Plateplat18 Red Dragon Scaleplat19 Full Plate +2戒指代号 道具ring02 Ring of Fire Resistancering03 Ring of Animal Friendshipring04 Ring of Clumsinessring05 Ring of Invisibilityring06 Ring of Protection +1ring07 Ring of Protection +2ring08 Ring of Wizardryring09 Ring of Free Actionring20 Ring of Energyring21 Ring of Infravisionring22 Ring of Holinessring26 Ring of Djinni Summoningring27 Ring of Fire Controlring28 Ring of Air Controlring29 Ring of Eart Controlring30 Ring of Human Infulencering31 Ring of Regenerationring33 Ring of the Ramring34 Ring of the Spell Turningring35 Ring of Lockpicksring36 Ring of Danger Sense ring39 Ring of Gaxxring40 Ring of Acuity棒代号 道具rods Rod of Absorptionrods Rod of Lordly Mightrods Rod of Resurrectionrods Rod of Smitingrods Rod of Terror卷轴(L19, 巫师专用)代号 道具scrl68 Burning Handsscrl70 Color Sprayscrl80 Shocking Graspscrl84 Larloch"s Minor Drainscrl82 Chill Touchscrl75 Identifyscrl76 Infravisionscrl77 Magic Missilescrl79 Shieldscrl83 Chromatic Orbscrl5u Reflected Imagescrla6 Spookscrl71 Blindnessscrl78 Protection from Evilscrl73 Protection from Petrificationscrl67 Armorscrl66 Greasescrl6d Find Familiarscrl69 Charm Personscrl81 Sleepscrl72 Friendsscrl91 Knockscrl98 Strengthscrl3g Vocalizescrl1c Ghoul Touchscrl89 Horrowscrl92 Know Alignmentscrl87 Detect Invisibiltyscrl16 Aganazzar"s Scorcherscrl99 Webscrl97 Stinking Cloudscrl85 Blurscrla2 Deafnessscrl90 Invisibilityscrl96 Mirror Imagescrl94 Resist Fearscrl6e Power Word Sleepscrl95 Melf"s Acid Arrowscrla3 Glitterdustscrl6f Ray of Enfeeblementscrl93 Luckscrl1h Hastescrl10 Slowscrl1p Skull Trapscrl6l Hold Undeadscrl1q Vampiric Touchscrl6k Detect Illusionscrl1d Clairvoyancescrla5 Melf"s Minute Meteorsscrla5 Lightning Boltscrl1g Fireballscrl1j Invisibility 10" Radiusscrl6j Spell Thrustscrl1n Protection From Normal Missilesscrl6g Minor Spell Deflectionscrla7 Remove Magicscrl1m NonDetectionscrl6i Protection from Coldscrl6h Protection from Firescrl1e Dispel Magicscrl1t Ghost Armorscrl1l Minor Summoning 1scrl1f Flame Arrowscrl1i Hold Personscrl1s Dire Charmscrl5j Otiluke"s Resilient Spherescrl5l Plymorph Otherscrl5m Plymorph Selfscrl1v Stoneskinscrl6q Teleport Fieldscrla1 Wizard Eyescrla8 Contagionscrl5k Spirit Armorscrlaq Farsight scrl6p Minor Sequencerscrl1x Ice Stormscrl6n Fire Shield (Red)scrl1w Fire Shield (Blue)scrl1y Improved Invisibilityscrl1z Minor Globe of Invulnerablityscrl5g Remove Cursescrl6o Secret Worldscrl2a Monster Summoning 2scrl6r Spider Spawnscrl1u Confusionscrl5i Greater Malisonscrl5h Emotion: Hoplessnessscrl6m Enchanter Weaponscrl2d Animate Deadscrl6w Oraclescrl6z Phantom Bladescrl2e Cloudkillscrl2f Cone of Soldscrlar Sunfirescrl2h Shadow Doorscrl6u Breachscrl6v Lower Resistancescrl7d Minor Spell Turningscrl6s Spell Immunityscrl8x Spell Shieldscrl6y Protection from Acidscrl5t Protection from Electricityscrl6t Protection from Normal Weaponsscrl7b Conjure Lesser Air Elementalscrl7c Conjure Lesser Earth Elementalscrl6x Conjure Lesser Fire Elementalscrl2g Monster Summoning 3scrl5o Hold Monsterscrl5p Chaosscrl5n Dominationscrl5q Feeblemindscrl7t Disintergratescrl7h Flesh to Stonescrl8c Stone to Fleshscrl7g Tenser"s Transformationscrl7q Improved Hastescrl7i Death Spellscrl7m True Seeingscrl7s Chain Lightningscrl7u Contingencyscrl7r Death Fogscrl7k Misledscrl7v Spell Deflectionscrl7f Globe of Invulnerabilityscrl7t Pierce Magicscrl7j Protection from Magical Energyscrl7o Protection from Magic Weaponsscrl7e Invisible Stalkerscrl8b Summon Nishruuscrl8a Carrion Summons scrl7w Wyvern Callscrl7y Conjure Air Elementalscrl7z Conjure Earth Elementalscrl7x Conjure Fire Elementalscrl7p Power Word Silencescrl8m Sphere of Chaosscrl8g Ruby Ray of Reversalscrl8v Control Undeadscrl8o Finger of Deathscrl8r Mordenkainen"s Swordscrl8n Delayed Blast Fireballscrl8l Spell Sequencerscrl8f Projected Imagescrl8w Mass Invisibilityscrl8e Protection from Elementsscrl8d Spell Turningscrl8h Khelben"s Warding Whipscrl8j Mantlescrla4 Limited Wishscrl8i Cacofiendscrl8q Power Word Stunscrl8t Summon Dijinniscrl8s Summon Efreetiscrl8u Summon Hakeasharscrl8p Prismatic Sprayscrl9g AbiDalzim"s Horrid Wiltingscrl9e Incendiary Cloudscrl9d Spell Triggerscrl8z Simulacrumscrl9a Pierce Shieldscrl9c Improved Mantlescrl8y Protection from Energyscrl9j Power Word Blindscrl9h Mazescrl9b Summon Fiendscrlao Symbol Deathscrl9f Symbol Fearscrlap Symbol Stunscrl9y Shapechangescrl9r Time Stepscrl9v Wail of the Bansheescrl9x Black Blade of Disasterscrl9q Chain Contingencyscrl9t Meteor Swarmscrl9m Spell Strikescrl9p Absolute Immunityscrl9z Freedomscrl9s Imprisonmentscrl9l Spell Trapscrl9u Power Word Killscrl9n Gate 盾代号 道具shld01 Small Shieldshld02 Small Shield +1shld03 Medium Shieldshld04 Medium Shield +1shld05 Large Shieldshld06 Large Shield +1shld07 Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missilesshld08 Bucklershld17 Buckler +1shld19 Large Shield +2shld21 Dragon Scale Shield +2shld22 Sentinel +4shld23 Fortress Shield +3shld24 Reflection Shield +1shld25 Shield of Harmony +2shld26 Shield of the Lest +2shld27 Saving Grace +3shld28 Small Shield +2shld29 Medium Shield +2 Slings代号 道具slng01 Slingslng02 Sling +1slng03 Sling +3slng04 Sling +2slng05 Sling +3: Arla"s Dragonbaneslng06 Sling +4: Arvoreenslng07 Sling of Seeking +26 矛代号 道具sper01 Spearsper02 Spear +1sper03 Spear +3: Backbitersper05 Spear +2sper06 Spear +3sper07 Spear +2: Unicorn Spearsper08 Spear +3: Impalersper09 Spear +1: Halcyonsper10 Spear of Withering +4杖代号 道具staf01 Quarterstaffstaf02 Quarterstaff +1staf05 Staff of Strikingstaf06 Staff Macestaf07 Staff Spear +2staf08 Martial Staff +3staf09 Staff of Commandstaf10 Staff of Curingstaf11 Staff of the Magistaf12 Staff of Powerstaf13 Staff of Thunder and Lightningstaf14 Staff the Woodlands +4staf15 Staff of Air +2staf16 Staff of Earth +2staf17 Staff of Fire +2staf18 Quarterstaff +2staf19 Cleric"s Staff +3staf20 Staff of Rynn +4 双手剑代号 道具sw2h01 Two Handed Swordsw2h02 Two Handed Sword +1sw2h03 Cursed Berserking Sword +3sw2h07 Harbringer +3sw2h08 Soul Reaver +4sw2h09 Warblade +4sw2h10 The Holy Avenger: Carsomyr +5sw2h11 Two Handed Sword +2sw2h12 Flame of the Northsw2h14 Lilarcor +3sw2h15 Vorpal Blade 权杖代号 道具wand02 Wand of Fearwand03 Wand of Magic Missileswand04 Wand of Paralyzationwand05 Wand of Firewand06 Wand of Frostwand07 Wand of Lightningwand08 Wand of Sleepwand09 Wand of Polymorphingwand10 Wand of Monster Summoningwand11 Wand of Heavenswand12 Wand of Wonder wand13 Wand of Cloudkillwand15 Wand of the Apprenti 战锤代号 道具hamm01 War Hammerhamm02 War Hammer +1hamm03 War Hammer +2: Thundercrackerhamm04 War Hammer +1, +4 vs GiantKinhamm05 War Hammer +2hamm06 Dwarven Thrower +3hamm07 Hammer of Thunderbolts +3hamm08 War Hammer +2hamm09 Crom Faeyr +4 怪兽列表wyvern01 双足飞龙ogre01 食人魔uddrow27 Drow Warriorbehgau01 Gauth Beholderbeheld01 Elder Orb Beholderdragred 红龙dragblac 黑龙dragsil 银龙lich01 僵尸trogi01 Giant Trollvammat01 成年吸血鬼icmin01 牛头怪skelwa01 骷髅兵icbone01 骨人ghogr01 高级盗尸者troluo01 Splitter Trollmumgre01 高级木乃伊golsto01 石人mistho01 Mist Horrorhldemi 平民死尸orc05 Orog Warrioricsalcol 蓝色蜥蜴人gendji01 神灵mindfl01 精神掠夺者移动到某一地区MoveToArea("填入地区的代码")这会将你转移到游戏中的任何一个地区。首先要将你的队员全部选择上。下面有一些地区的代码。你可以通过按x键得到任何一地区的代码.Temple District=AR0900Graveyard District=AR0800Slums District=AR0400Waukeens Promenade=AR0700Government District=AR1000Bridge District=AR0500Docks District=AR0300CityGates=AR0020Umar Hills=AR1100Suldanesslar=AR2500The Nine Hells=AR2900Domain of the Dragon=AR1201Asylum Dungeon=AR1512Bodhis Dungeon=AR0801Astral Prison=AR0516Planar Sphere=AR0411Cult of the Unseeing Eye=AR0202Rift Dungeon=AR0204Demon Outerworld=AR0414De"Arnise Hold=AR1300Trademeet=AR2000Druids Grove=AR1900属性全满:但生成角色时,如果已经加入了debug mode=1或者cheats=1,按CTRL+SHFT+8角色的所有属性会全满.如果在这样做之前你已经减少了某个属性,你可以将角色的种族特性(可以加到19的)加到19(比如精灵的灵巧度).治疗和跳到指定位置:当你在baldur.ini文件中加入Debug Mode=1这一行后,你就可以使用[CTRL] + R键对一个角色进行治疗,用[CTRL] + J键跳到鼠标指针所在的位置。



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